Prof. Hans Dehlinger
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
M.Arch. (UC Berkeley)
Ph.D. (UC Berkeley)
- Since 1983 Generative Art, with participations in exhibitions worldwide
- 1996 Golden Plotter Award of the City of Gladbeck
- 1991-2004 Director of the "Institut für Rechnergestütztes Darstellen und Entwerfen" at the University of Kassel, Kunsthochschule
- 1988 Founding Member of Art & Com, Berlin
- 1980-2004 Professor at the Department of Product Design, University of Kassel, Germany, for “Grundlagen des Industrial Design”. Teaching and Research in Design Methods and Industrial Design; CAD; Work in Architecture and Planning; Design of Planning Information Systems; Generative Art
- 1973-1980 Deputy Director at the "Institut für Grundlagen der Planung", Department of Architecture, University of Stuttgart. Teaching and Research in Architectural Design.
- 1978 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
- 1970-1973 Teaching Associate at the College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley
- 1969 M.Arch., University of California, Berkeley
- 1968 Architectural Project Manager on the design team for the Olympic Village in Munich, office of Heinle, Wischer and Partner, Architects, Stuttgart
- 1966 Beginning of work with programming languages and computers
- 1961-1968 Architectural Studies at the University of Stuttgart. Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
- 1939 Born in Stetten/R., Southern Germany. Elementary school, apprenticeship as cabinet maker, secondary education.